tirsdag 12. april 2011

Student assignments

"I think it`s very sad that many people in Africa don`t have clean water. They are getting ill when they drink the dirty water, and they are afraid every time they drink water." Mads.

Mutual Project
When we started our project, we agreed to focus on climate issues, peoples access to water and the countries ground water. It was natural to compare Iceland and Norway, but to make it interesting and instructive, we also wanted to compare it to a developing country. We went for Zambia after seeing some interesting videos on this page........................

We have been measuring the rain fall over a period in both Bergen and Reykjavik, and the students have been assigned to find out more about the rain fall in Zambia.

We have learned that some people in Zambia have to walk as far as 20 km. to get clean water. To put ourselves in their situation, we carried 10 L. of water on our heads for 200 meters.

We will publish pictures and some students quotes on this page very soon. We will publish some graphs to show the comparisons on the rain fall.

fredag 5. november 2010

School activities!

Tusen takk for en kjempefin tur, og takk for all hjelp fra foreldregruppen som var med.
Her kommer noen flere bilder :)
Dere finner også flere bilder på "pictures from iceland" på fanen over.

Outdoor schooling!

At the schools cantina

Tasting the famous rotten shark and dried fish! Yummy!

onsdag 3. november 2010

Leifur and Reykjarvik city centre

We are busy all the time, learning and having fun!

Yesterday we went to see Geysir and Strokkur (Still active). We also saw Gullfoss and Thingvellir, the place where the vikings founded the first democratic parliarment.

mandag 1. november 2010

We have finally arrived :)

It was a pleasant flight and all the children are happy. The highlights of today: Meeting the icelandic students and our visit to the Blue lagoon!

At the airport

The Blue Lagoon

torsdag 7. oktober 2010

This is Bergen!

This is "'Lille lungegårdsvannet".
It is in centre of Bergen!
When it is cristmas there is a cristmastree and some cristmascarolers are singing!
There is many ducks on the wather,too!
There is a founten in the middle.
The Founten have lights under.
The lights are on when it is dark!
The water is 700 m. in circuit.
When it is New Year's Eve everybody have a torch and look at the sky and all the fireworks an somebody listen to the choir.
Some people are going around with baskets full of ginger snap.
You can't take a bath in the wather.
Because the wather is dirty!
Some people throw trash in the wather!
But the ducks and the seagulls are swimming there nevertheless.
Many people are getting a jog around the wather.
It is nice with a jog on a sunny day!.
And many dogowners are going for a walk with dog and/or family! Pamela and Emmy!!

onsdag 6. oktober 2010

Hello from Sofie and Tyra :)

Hello, this is Sofie and tyra.
We are looking forward to meet you.
And we hope that you are looking
Forward to meet us to :)