fredag 5. november 2010

School activities!

Tusen takk for en kjempefin tur, og takk for all hjelp fra foreldregruppen som var med.
Her kommer noen flere bilder :)
Dere finner også flere bilder på "pictures from iceland" på fanen over.

Outdoor schooling!

At the schools cantina

Tasting the famous rotten shark and dried fish! Yummy!

onsdag 3. november 2010

Leifur and Reykjarvik city centre

We are busy all the time, learning and having fun!

Yesterday we went to see Geysir and Strokkur (Still active). We also saw Gullfoss and Thingvellir, the place where the vikings founded the first democratic parliarment.

mandag 1. november 2010

We have finally arrived :)

It was a pleasant flight and all the children are happy. The highlights of today: Meeting the icelandic students and our visit to the Blue lagoon!

At the airport

The Blue Lagoon